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Health Articles

An ankle sprain is caused by the stretching or tearing of the ligaments that connect the bones in the foot, ankle, and lower leg. It is a common injury among athletes, particularly in football, basketball, and soccer, as these sports require…

One of the most common knee injuries among athletes is a torn ACL. The anterior cruciate ligament is one of four major ligaments that provide stability to the knee joint. The fibrous bands attach bone to bone and help to limit excessive movement…

Not allowing your body adequate time to rest and recover from exercising will only make it harder to reach your fitness goals. Typically associated with little rest and excessive repetition, overtraining can result in injury or illness.

The most important part of recovering from any wrist fracture is staying actively involved in your physical therapy and rehabilitation program as well as caring for your cast, which is essential to the healing process. Keep these tips in mind…

The shoulder is composed of the shoulder blade (scapula), collarbone (clavicle), and upper arm bone (humerus). With two joints, the glenohumeral and acromioclavicular, the shoulder is widely considered to be the most unstable joint. It can move…

The cause of trigger finger is generally unknown. However, it is found more commonly in women than men as well as in those suffering from other health issues, such as diabetes or rheumatoid arthritis.

Symptoms of trigger finger include a…