Welcome to BoulderCentre for Orthopedics & Spine

Outpatient Joint Replacement

At BoulderCentre for Orthopedics & Spine, we are dedicated to providing our patients with the latest and most advanced treatment options and procedures. That’s why we proudly offer same day total ankle, hip, knee, and shoulder replacements at the state-of-the-art Boulder Surgery Center for patients who meet specific criteria.

Outpatient joint replacement is similar to a traditional joint replacement, where a joint replacement expert will replace an affected joint with an artificial joint made of metal or plastic. However, outpatient joint replacement procedures utilize advanced, minimally invasive surgery techniques that limit muscle damage and blood loss, with pain management plans that use regional or local anesthetic. These practices allow patients to leave the same day of surgery and start recovering in the comfort of their own home.

Our joint replacement experts and specialized staff have extensive experience and training in outpatient joint replacement procedures. Our providers are dedicated to ensuring the highest quality of care in a safe environment and have created and perfected our outpatient joint replacement program to provide you with the following benefits:

  • Ability to return home the day of your total joint replacement
  • Convenient, shortened stay
  • Cost-effective alternative to the traditional inpatient model
  • Reduced recovery time
  • Reduced risk of infection

For more information or to schedule an appointment to see if an outpatient joint replacement is right for you, please call 303.449.2730 or schedule an appointment online.