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BoulderCentre for Orthopedics & Spine is often featured in area news media as recognized experts in orthopedics. Be sure to bookmark this page and check back often to see the latest news and events on BoulderCentre for Orthopedics & Spine.

  • In 2006, approximately 7.5 million people went to the doctor’s office for a shoulder problem, including shoulder and upper arm sprains and strains. More than 4.1 million of these visits were for rotator cuff problems. Common Shoulder Injuries In…
  • Yes, you can even get a sprain in your neck.  The seven bones of the spinal column in your neck (cervical vertebrae) are connected to each other by ligaments and muscles–strong bands of tissue that act like thick rubber bands. A sprain (stretch…
  • An ankle sprain occurs when the strong ligaments that support the ankle stretch beyond their limits and tear. Ankle sprains are common injuries that occur among people of all ages. They range from mild to severe, depending upon how much damage there…
  • One of the most common knee injuries is a knee sprain, or: anterior cruciate ligament sprain or tear. Athletes who participate in high demand sports like soccer, football, and basketball are more likely to injure their anterior cruciate ligaments.…
  • Getting ready to celebrate the 4th? Review these fireworks safety tips and make sure to stay safe around fireworks! The number of firework-related injuries treated in emergency rooms in the United States has ranged from 8,500 to 9,800 since 1997; in…
  • Pierre-Paul and the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission join forces to wish you a safe Fourth of July. We’ve seen it in the days leading up to Independence Day and around any holiday that involves sparklers and fireworks: senseless accidents…
  • Ouch! I sprained my ankle, or I sprained my wrist! Here is information on how to care for your sprain, when to worry or when to seek help. The most common soft tissues injured are muscles, tendons, and ligaments. These injuries often occur during…
  • The rotator cuff can easily suffer from tendonitis. BoulderCentre has many treatment options from therapy to injection to surgery to help you recover. One of the most common physical complaints is shoulder pain. The rotator cuff is a frequent source…
  • The most common fracture among athletes occurs in the finger. Learn about the difference between jammed fingers and fractures during this busy sports season. Jammed finger description: Jammed fingers are common in sports but may also occur during…
  • Teaching your teenager to mow the lawn this summer? Make sure they know lawn mower safety. Each year more than 75,000 people are injured by their lawn mowers. Stay safe this summer season while mowing your lawn! Lawnmowers can be the cause of…